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Upcoming Opportunities

We to welcome you to get involved with 7th Street Productions exciting new project!

We are thrilled to present “Conjuring the Cult,” the highly anticipated sequel to our independent horror film, “Conjuring the Beyond,” which achieved remarkable success, even gracing cinemas in Eastern Europe and India. Building on the momentum of its predecessor, “Conjuring the Cult” promises to be a cinematic experience that will captivate audiences worldwide.

We understand the value of strategic partnerships, and we are currently offering exclusive perks for investors who join us on this thrilling journey (roles, product placements, Producer credits, percentage of the films rights) If you are interested or have any questions, I am more than happy to arrange a meeting at your earliest convenience. Your support would play a crucial role in bringing “Conjuring the Cult” to life and continuing the success story of 7th Street Productions.

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